Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica

Catálogo Biblioteca
de Medio Ambiente


Consulta Tesauro

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17 Documentos con la entidad Greenpeace Internacional. Referencias del 1 al 10.
AUTOR: Greenpeace Internacional
TÍTULO: Annotations by Greenpeace International on the Agenda of the Meeting [texto impreso] : prepared for the First Conference of Parties to the Basel Convention: 30 November - 4 December 1992, Piriapolis, Uruguay
PUBLICACIÓN: Amsterdam : Greenpeace International, 1992
Referencia 1
AUTOR: Greenpeace Internacional
TÍTULO: Best available technology for spent nuclear fuel management [texto impreso] : the non-reprocessing option : considerations for the evaluation of whether reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel is consistent with the requirement to apply best available technology in the context of the precautionary principle within PARCOM
PUBLICACIÓN: Amsterdam : Greenpeace International, 1992
Referencia 2
AUTOR: Aken, Jan van
TÍTULO: Centres of diversity [texto impreso] : global heritage of crop varieties threatened by genetic pollution
PUBLICACIÓN: Berlin : Greenpeace International, 1999
Referencia 3
AUTOR: Greenpeace Internacional
TÍTULO: Chlorine and the marine environment [texto impreso] : the need for a chlorine industrial sector working group
PUBLICACIÓN: Amsterdam : Greenpeace International, 1992
Referencia 4
AUTOR: Bellarby, Jessica
TÍTULO: Cool farming [pdf] : climate impacts of agriculture and mitigation potential / authors: Jessica Bellarby... [et al.]
PUBLICACIÓN: Amsterdam : Greenpeace International, 2008
Referencia 5
AUTOR: Short, Rebecca
TÍTULO: Energía solar térmica de concentración [texto impreso] : perspectiva mundial 2009
PUBLICACIÓN: Amsterdam : Greenpeace Internacional ; España : SolarPACES ; Bruselas : ESTELA, 2009
Referencia 6
AUTOR: European Renewable Energy Council
TÍTULO: Energy revolution [pdf] : a sustainable world energy outlook / European Renewable Energy Council, Greenpeace
PUBLICACIÓN: Amsterdam : Greenpeace International ; Bruselas : EREC, 2007
Referencia 7
AUTOR: Greenpeace Internacional
TÍTULO: Establishing the best environmental practices for the agricultural sector [texto impreso] : prepared for the Nineteenth Meeting of the Technical Working Group of the Paris Commission, 30 March - 3 April 1992, Dublin, Republic of Ireland
PUBLICACIÓN: Amsterdam : Greenpeace International, 1992
Referencia 8
AUTOR: Greenpeace Internacional
TÍTULO: The Need for an agreement within the draft ministerial declaration to phase out all releases to the environment of organochlorine compounds as a group of substances; an objetive test case recarding responsible action for persistent toxic substances [texto impreso] : submitted by Greenpeace Intenational to the Meeting of Ministers from parties to the Oslo and Paris Commissions, 21-22 September 1992, Paris, France
PUBLICACIÓN: Amsterdam : Greenpeace International, 1992
Referencia 9
AUTOR: Greenpeace Internacional
TÍTULO: Los Peligros de los reactores nucleares [texto impreso] : Los riesgos continuos que entraña la tecnología nuclear del siglo XXI, mayo 2007 / basado en el informe preparado por Greenpeace International por Helmut Hirsch... [et al.]
PUBLICACIÓN: Amsterdam : Greenpeace International, 2007
Referencia 10



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