Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica

Catálogo Biblioteca
de Medio Ambiente


Consulta Tesauro

Resultado de la Búsqueda

5 Documentos con la persona Rulifson, Roger A.. Referencias del 1 al 5.
AUTOR: Rulifson, Roger A.
TÍTULO: Abundance and viability of striped bass eggs spawned in the Roanoke River, North Carolina, in 1988 [microficha]
PUBLICACIÓN: Greenville, NC : East Carolina University : Institute for Coastal and Marine Resources, 1989
Referencia 1
AUTOR: Rulifson, Roger A.
TÍTULO: Abundance and viability of striped bass eggs spawned in the Roanoke River, North Carolina, in 1990 [microficha]
PUBLICACIÓN: Estados Unidos : Environmental Protection Agency, 1992
Referencia 2
AUTOR: Rulifson, Roger A.
TÍTULO: Abundance and viability of striped bass eggs spawned in the Roanoke River, North Carolina, in 1991 [microficha]
PUBLICACIÓN: Greenville, NC : Institute for Coastal and Marine Resources, 1993
Referencia 3
AUTOR: Rulifson, Roger A.
TÍTULO: Food and feeding of young finfish species in the lower Roanoke River, Batchelor Bay, and western Albemarle Sound, North Carolina, 1982-1988 [microficha] : Volume 1. Text. Volume 2. Appendices / R. A. Rulifson... [et al.]
PUBLICACIÓN: Greenville, NC : Environmental Protection Agency, 1994
Referencia 4
AUTOR: Rulifson, Roger A.
TÍTULO: Water quality as a function of discharge from the Roanoke rapids reservoir during hydropower generation [microficha] / R. A. Rulifson ...[et al.]
PUBLICACIÓN: Estados Unidos : Environmental Protection Agency, 1990
Referencia 5



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