Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica

Catálogo Biblioteca
de Medio Ambiente


Consulta Tesauro

Resultado de la Búsqueda

0 Documentos con el descriptor Geologia. Referencias del 1 al 0.
TÍTULO: A Descriptive catalog of selected aerial photographs of geologic features in areas outside the United States [Texto impreso] / Charles R. Warren ...[et al.]
PUBLICACIÓN: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1969
Referencia 1
AUTOR: McCulloch, David S.
TÍTULO: Effects of the earthquake of March 27, 1964, on the Alaska Railroad [Texto impreso] : a description and analysis of the geologic controls of earthquake damage to The Alaska Railroad, with emphasis on damage caused by the mobilization of unconsolidated sediments / By David S. McCulloch and Manuel G. Bonilla
PUBLICACIÓN: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1970
Referencia 2
AUTOR: Kirkby, Michael J.
TÍTULO: Erosion and deposition on a beach raised by the 1964 earthquake, Montague Island, Alaska [Texto impreso] : a quantitative study of geomorphic modifications of uplifted coastal features / By M. J. Kirkby and Anne V. Kirkby
PUBLICACIÓN: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1969
Referencia 3
AUTOR: Risler, Jean Jacques
TÍTULO: Hydrogeothermics [texto impreso] / Jean-Jacques Risler, Ian Simmers (editores); International Association of Hydrogeologists
PUBLICACIÓN: Hanover : Heise, 1994
Referencia 4
AUTOR: Tanner, J. Mark
TÍTULO: Hydrology of limestone terranes [texto impreso] : annotated bibliography of carbonate rocks / J. Mark Tanner, P. Shore Davis; editor- in-chief, Phillip E. LaMoreaux
PUBLICACIÓN: Hannover : Heise, 1986
Referencia 5
AUTOR: Flandrin, Jacques (1908-1983)
TÍTULO: Le Pétrole [Texto impreso] : géologie, prospection, explotation... / Jacques Flandrin, Jean Chapelle
PUBLICACIÓN: Paris : Technip, 1967
Referencia 6
AUTOR: Plakfer, George
TÍTULO: Tectonics of the March 27, 1964 Alaska earthquake [Texto impreso]
PUBLICACIÓN: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1969
Referencia 7



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