Notrheastern Catalonia is the location of the Carrillet Natural Trail, a path that winds up and down soft hill over almost 100 km, descending from the volcanic area of La Garrotxa to the Mediterranean Sea, discovering at its pass the richness and diversity of the landscapes of the regions of La Garrotxa, La Selva, El Gironès and Baix Empordà, all of them in the province of Girona.
This Nature Trail tells the story of a narrow gauge rail lines that run across the province of Girona until the end of the 1960s. This train, nicknamed the "Carrilet" in Catalonia, crossed the valleys of the Rivers Fluvià, Brugent and Ter and connected Olot and Girona. This was the main means of communication between the two towns, and in the section from Sant Feliù de Guíxols to Girona was popularly called "Feliuet".